







姓名:高一民/Imin Kao


最高學歷:Stanford University, USA

電話:04-22840433 #




Stanford University, USA Mechanical Engineering Ph.D(1986年 2月~1991年 1 月)

經歷/Work Experience


9/14- present: Executive Director, SUNY Korea Academic Programs (at Stony Brook University, New York) — Responsible for all academic degree programs at SUNY Korea (http://www.sunykorea.ac.kr/), a global campus of Stony Brook University in Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ) in South Korea; plan and manage budget and academic operations; responsible for both undergraduate and graduate degree programs of Stony Brook University (Stony Brook, NY), and Fashion Institute of Technology (Manhattan, NY); prepare proposals to Korean Ministry of Education to establish new degree programs at SUNY Korea; plan and implement academic degrees and affairs; coordinate all academia-government-industry collaboration
1/17- 5/22: Executive Director of the Manufacturing and Technology Resource Consortium (MTRC), NIST-MEP at SBU — Managing a MTRC-MEP funding of $6,350,000 (1/2017-12/2020, Phase 1 & 1/2021-12/2025, Phase 2) from the Manufacturing Expansion Partnership (MEP) by NIST and NYS, sponsoring awards and projects in R/D, manufacturing expansion, continuous improvement, technology advance and innovation, workforce training and development, and biotechnology business development and consulting
2/16- 4/19: Associate Vice President of Economic Development — Working with the VPED, responsible for various activities of economic development, including the two Centers of Excellence of the State of New York, three Centers of Advanced Technology, Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR), and high-tech incubators; leveraging trilateral collaboration of academia-government-industry for research and economic development
2/16- 8/19: Director of SPIR — Appointed as the Director of Strategic Partnership for Industrial Resurgence (SPIR), a NYS SUNY funded program to provide supports to NYS industrial partners for enhancing industrial competitiveness and NYS economic development
9/14- 8/15: Interim Dean, International Academic Programs and Service (IAPS), Stony Brook University (SBU), New York — Responsible for all international academic programs and exchange at SBU, as well as all visa and immigration services for students and faculty at SBU; responsible for all degree collaboration with international partners
3/06- 10/15: Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (CEAS), Stony Brook University, New York — Responsible for undergraduate academic affairs; manage various academic and business operations of CEAS; work with the Dean for various strategic planning and implementation; responsible for ABET accreditation; EE online degree program; new academic programs, both undergraduate and graduate; strategic initiatives and special projects
9/06- present: Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York
8/02- 8/05: Founding Faculty Director of the Undergraduate College in Information and Technology Studies (ITS College), Stony Brook University
9/99- 8/06: Associate Professor, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York
9/94- 8/99: Assistant Professor, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York
9/91- 8/94: Assistant Professor, San Jose State University, California
12/90 - 8/91: Postdoctoral Consultant, Stanford Integrated Manufacturing Association, Stanford

2/86 - 1/91: Stanford University, Stanford, California
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
8/84 - 1/86: Stanford University, Stanford, California
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering
9/77 - 6/81: National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Graduated with honors




